Customer and Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee and Economy and Place Scrutiny Committee
25 October 2021 |
Report of the Corporate Director of Place Portfolio of the Executive Member for Transport Portfolio of the Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning |
City Centre, Vision, Accessibility and Traffic Regulation
1. York city centre represents some of the most intensively used and highest valued land in the city. The intensity of use is not just in economic value but the extensive use by local residents and the city’s 7 million plus visitors per year.
2. Covid restrictions, lockdowns and temporary regulatory changes have seen a rapid change in how the city centre is being used. These covid impacts have also accelerated at a national and local level the impacts of online retail and York is benefiting significantly from a rapid growth in the hotel and hospitality sector in one of the country’s most desirable staycation locations.
3. These covid restrictions and the changing nature of the city centre economy have led the Council’s Executive to support the economy, residents and visitors by changing the use of the city’s highways with temporary arrangements for the regulation of traffic in the city centre to facilitate greater social distancing and car free access to the city centre streets.
4. In light of the above at the meeting on November 18th the Executive will consider a suite of reports that cover the future vision of the city centre and ongoing accessibility and regulation of vehicles for the city centre. In order to make this decision the Executive will need to consider the balancing of the competing uses of the city centre to deliver a safe and inclusive space recognising the complex compromises that will need to be considered when meeting the Council’s duties under Equalities, Human Rights and Care Act legislation, to the whole community including Blue Badge Holders who in particular have been impacted by the temporary measures.
5. In light of the Economy and Place Policy and Scrutiny specialist area of focus, the committee is asked to consider the attached detailed report and specifically consider recommendations in the Committee’s area of expertise to the Executive as to the issues and a balance that should be brought to consideration in their decision making in respect of the city’s economy and highway regulation in the context of the Council’s duties under the Equalities Act, Human Rights Act and Care Act legislation.
Reason: To ensure the Executive have fully considered all the impacts of the vision, access and vehicle regulation decisions that they are going to be asked to consider at the 18th November Executive.
6. A series of consultations including a statutory Traffic Regulation Order consultation have been undertaken and these are considered in the detailed report which is an annex to this report.
7. It is a matter for the Economy and Place Policy and Scrutiny Committee to determine if it wishes to make recommendations to the Executive.
Council Plan
8. The information and issues included in this report demonstrate progress on achieving the priorities set out in the Council Plan.
9. There are no implications from this report as Scrutiny are making advisory recommendations to the Executive as the decision making body.
Risk Management
10. Scrutiny’s consideration of all the factors relevant to the Executive on the 18th November helps ensure fully informed decision making.
Attached Reports
1. Detailed report for City Centre, Vision, accessibility and Traffic regulation
2. Human Rights Commission report (link below)
Blue Badge Access to York City Centre 2021 - York Human Rights City
Contact Details
Authors: |
Chief Officer Responsible for the report: |
Neil Ferris Corporate Director of Place
Neil FerrisCorporate Director of Place |
Report Approved |
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Date |
14.10.21 |
Wards Affected: All |
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For further information please contact the authors of the report |